Thursday, November 12, 2009

Recent History Projects

The past couple weeks Savannah made a Ziggurat, which is an ancient dwelling in Mesopotamia that was built for the gods to dwell in.  Savannah also made ancient African bangles. 
Her next project was to become an archeaologist.  I had to put together items that might be found in a tomb, draw her a map, then she followed the map until she discovered the tomb.  She then had to document exactly what was in the tomb before she could remove it or touch it.  She really enjoyed this project. 

(Trying to find the tomb)

(The Tomb!)

(Documenting what she found)

Making an ancient Chinese Ming Bowl

Making and eating an ancient African feast of chicken with figs and lemons, fried plantains, and papaya rice.  I didn't take any pictures of Savannah while she was preparing the food.  She especially did not like touching the raw chicken.  I told her well at least she didn't have to go out and kill it, pluck it, cut it up, and then do what she's doing.  She just looked at me and said yes, I guess you're right, but let's not talk about that anymore.

I've really got to get a new table cloth, the red is sooo bright.


  1. Savannah cracks me up. I hate touching raw chicken too!

    I am so impressed with all you're doing! I hope I can be more like you someday!
