Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our Schedule and Curriculum

In the mornings after our morning routine, we do what we call "Kid School". We are in kid school for Sophie and Molly about 30 -45 minutes. For Savannah usually we are finished by lunch time. I use material from A Well-Trained Mind and Saxon to teach the children lessons each morning. I am in the process of working towards implementing the Thomas Jefferson Education model (TJEd), but I'm doing it in baby steps. So far what I have implemented is the morning routine, chore chart, kid school - although it is a little more 'require' than 'inspire' right now, and I have begun my study of the classics. My next baby step I plan to make is to arrange a family room consistent with the TJEd model. This of course won't happen until we have a more permanent home. For more information on TJEd go to
I have loved the discovery of this system and hope to be able to implement the whole model into our lifestyle soon.
Currently with the girls we are reading the classic Laddie: A True Blue Story. Over the summer we read Charlotte's Web, Indian In the Cupboard, Little House on the Prairie Series, Sarah Plain and Tall Series, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, some of The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, and parts of Little Women.
I just finished Uncle Tom's Cabin, Lonesome Gods, and Little Britches and all of the Thomas Jefferson books by DeMille. Ryan just finished The Chosen, and Jane Eyre. We do a lot of reading and we love it! The girls enjoy being read to almost more than anything.

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