Monday, December 21, 2009

Smarty Pants

Our cute, little, smarty pants! She sits over on the couch while the other two are doing lessons, pretending she's not listening. But every now and then she pipes up and says a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. She's my little experiment of inspire, not require. I am still too scared to try it out on my other two.....

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Toilet Paper Roll Elephants

 One day for Biology we decided to learn about elephants.  For the activity party of our lesson, we found this cute elephant craft on-line and the girls each made their own elephant.  They played with them for quite a while and then ended up putting them on our little Christmas tree.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Multi-Cultural Potluck

Savannah participated in our homeschool association's Multicultural Potluck night which is where homeschoolers present about a country of their choice and bring a dish to share from that country.  She and Ryan worked together on learning about Russia.  They put together a poster with the Russian alphabet and different pictures from Russia.  Ryan taught Savannah the alphabet. I baked a Russian cake (Yablechy Peroke or something like that).   When it was their turn to present, they talked a little about Russia and then they sang a Russian song together.  They did a great job!  The night was very fun and enlightening.  It was nice to learn about other cultures and taste all the different dishes.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Doesn't homeschooling look like fun?

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Monday, December 14, 2009

A Typical Week

Monday - 8:30 to Noon morning routine and lessons. At noon we clean up, have lunch and get ready to leave the house. We went over to a neighbor's home who needed help with her children. We spent the afternoon there. I cleaned and watch her six children and my three so she could get some things done.

Tuesday - 8:30 to 9:45 we did lessons. At 9:45 we loaded up and went to a nearby park for a little soccer playing with other kids. Savannah and her friend Gabby and Gabby's older brother got to play "coach" and tried to coach the younger kids. We came back home at noon and then did lessons until three, went and ran errands, came back home for dinner and bed.

Wednesday - 8:30 to 9:00 morning routine. At 9am we leave to go to Savannah's violin lesson. At 10:15 we arrive back home and work on lessons until noon. Noon we have lunch. At 12:30 we are back in the car to meet up with a couple other families to work on crafts for a couple hours. The girls learned to weave this week and each made a small pot holder. At 4:15 we head back to Savannah's violin teacher's home for a group class that lasts for an hour. Then we rush home for dinner and mom leaves for young women's.

Thursday - 8:30 to 9:50 we do our morning routine and math. 9:50 the girls leave for ice skating lessons. Ice skating ends at 11:30 then we grab a bite to eat and go to a chapter book club that meets at 1:30. This week it met at 12:30 and it was a potluck and movie of the book they just finished "Tuck Everlasting". Then back home to finish up lessons that we didn't get done earlier.

Friday - 8:30 to 9:50 Morning routine and lessons. 9:50 playgroup at park until noon. Noon we eat lunch. The girls work on chores or read. 4:30 Annual Multicultural Potluck, we meet with other homeschool families and everyone presents something on a different country and brings a dish from that country. Ryan helped Savannah learn something in Russian and Savannah and I will make a Russian cake.

This is more or less what our weeks are like.  They're busy and full, but we are spending our time together and for the most part enjoying every minute.