Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HOCC Talent Show

 The home school group we belong to put on a talent show for all the kids to perform in.  Sophie memorized the poem "The Three Little Kittens".  We made cut-out kitten puppets and Sophie dressed up like a mama cat.  She did a great job reciting her poem and used the different voices we practiced.

Savannah had written and published a book through Shutterfly about wild adventures she has with her cousin Nate.  For her talent she read the book to the audience.  She did really well and everyone wanted to look at her book afterwards.  She has another book soon to be published called "The Pumpkin Nights".  We can't wait to read it!

Another neat thing about the evening was Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Nancy and Elise were visiting us so they were able to attend and watch the girls perform.  Elise even got to be in the group photo.  See if you can find her.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Human Body Party!

As part of Biology this year we studied the human body for ten weeks.  Savannah was a little "sicked-out" at first about having to study it.  But at the end she said her favorite part was learning about bones.  At the end of the ten weeks, we made human body cut-outs complete with decorations...some edible, some not.  Then we had human body sundaes!

A few days later I found that someone had eaten all the intestines (fruit flavored licorice glued on).  Gross!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Building the Wall of China on a Roman Road

For one of Savannah's history projects, she chose to build the wall of China.  Most of the wall of China was made by slaves stamping earth and gravel with their feet between board frames for years and years.

Savannah built a wooden frame and then pounded with a mallet, earth and gravel until it was solid.  She then slowly pulled the wooden frame off and we had a small piece of wall.  It definitely was easier to make then the original wall, and helped us understand the concept of how it was made better. 

The Wall of China is sitting in the Roman Road Model.....another project we did where we tried to replicate the process of building a Roman road.  We put down a layer of glue (aka cement), then pebbles, then sand, then dirt, then bull-dozed it with a rolling pin.  It didn't look like the Roman roads but we figured they had several years of chariots and horses to help smooth theirs out.